Multifaceted in Life.

In yesteryear life was one-dimensional but nowadays it’s multifaceted due to the advancements in technology, media, and content. To entirely understand the word multifaceted you have to look at the word faceted first. So let’s start there with the definition

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Personal Branding | Day 5 Tube1KChallenge

Honestly, I should really be an expert at this due to the fact my pen, screen, or nickname has been Jonfun circa 2000. The first part of branding starts with consistency and having something identifyable that customers can easily be

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Trend and Influence Surfing | Tube1KChallenge Day 4

The old saying or idiom is timing is everything. For trend or influence surfing to be effective you have to have the right timing. You cannot just publish a video and expect it to get views and sometimes it’s the

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Products | Tube1KChallenge Day 3

It doesn’t matter if it’s a Snickers candy bar or your favorite fast food burger. There’s always a product out there somebody wants or somebody needs. Luckily there’s someone out there to review it and say if it’s good or

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Duct Tape and Passion | Day Two of Tube1KChallenge

Follow the rules, play by the rules, or don’t follow them all. I’m not saying you’re out there and break the law. We are not reinventing the wheel either. The thing about media is we borrow ideas from other people

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The Tube1KChallenge #GrowWithVideo

So this week I’m combining both my YouTube and blog and publishing both my video I upload from YouTube to this blog. The reason is a two-pronged approach so that I can get the most out of what I’m doing

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Dear Austin

Maybe I should just put it into writing so that you can save it or find a way to look at it when you’re feeling bad or having anxiety attack. I love you. Also I know sometimes you feel like

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International Combat Sports

It’s always good to finally get your first professional wrestling show of the year in 2020 under your belt. Usually in most cases the first wrestling show of the year is a little bit earlier but this year it’s about

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If you have a negative mindset it’s not going to help you succeed in life and that’s exactly why the word positivity will help you win! Positivity is way better than looking at the downside besides the downside made me

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Just keep Pushing

Life is about experiences and pushing yourself to live. Whether it’s live in the moment or just day by day. You have to keep pushing forward because that’s life there is everyone as much as we wanted to be so.

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