Unstoppable Jonathan

Evan Carmichael says to choose that one word, mine is unstoppable. Old enough to know better but still young enough that my insecurities no longer control me. I am going to leave my mark on the world. Encouragement, love, and

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Six Month of Consistent Creation

This actually began just a little bit before January 1st of 2021. Began recording video about the last week of December when my ex-girlfriend & I would run around the town. This isn’t a new concept, new idea, or something

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Comeback Fest at The Bucket

If you missed it, then you really missed out! Below is an embedded quick vlog I did at the event.

Go do it, Now!

We all think we have time. Our daily lives turn into months and years of the same thing. I’m not saying this to point out that some of it could be boring, some of it is enjoyable, and some of

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Owning it in a Cancel Culture world

I could lie, I could cheat, and I could steal and that’s what a lot of people do to make it through life. I have never been perfect in fact most of my life has been enjoyable but lackluster. Of

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Jonathan Cuddles his Co-workers

Yeah, I know it’s a weird title but I didn’t choose it someone else did it I’m happy they did. Hello, let me introduce myself my name is Jonathan Miller and I cuddle my coworkers because they need love and

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The Truth is Simple

First of all, I’m not typing this. I am speaking into my smartphone using the dictation software which is now on almost all smart devices. In all honesty it seems insanely strange not to be using a computer laptop, or

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Your Hypocrisy

You do not get it. I finally call you on your shit & get blocked. Stress. Yeah find it. That’s my straight forward advice. If you cannot it’s totally on you. Stay blessed Christy.

Birthday Cupcake

This cupcake was wonderous, thing is the woman that got me this extremely decadent birthday treat did not even tell me where she got it from. Meaning as much as it was enjoyed it, as in I want to go

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Something Will Happen

Gary admits to writing not being his strong suit and that is not mine either but if you are going to do your best in a media driven world then you have to make content.  If you post something everyday

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