To Settle

Will I ever?

Saved by Pizza

If I wouldn’t have went to go get the pizza I would have been changing a flat tire at 1:00 a.m. in the morning in the middle of the cold night or seeing if I can get a ride from

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No Guts No Glory

You have to go after what you want in life, no guts no glory. To me it is not necessarily about the glory it’s more about possibly just being a successful person and having my so-called s*** together. On a

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How worthy are you?

Unworthy? Worthy? I keep telling people to get out of their own mind and here’s one for you because I know this is some deep thought. Really out there on the edge of how much do you really think about

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Streak ends on a Technicality

Let the record show that the consecutive 41 days of blog posting that I just completed was ended by a technicality. Also, this is not an excuse. This is a clerical and a human error. Another funny thing is it

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Finally feeling better but still my energy is not at 100%. My code that I have last week has subsided but it has left me still with a weak battery. Hopefully by tomorrow I’ll be able to feel closer to

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Working From Bed

Yeah I’ve been asleep most of the day because I had to recover from being at work sick. Though, at least, I can still put my thoughts and feelings out to the world with my smartphone, yep I can work

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Truly Living Your Best Life

Only you can live your best life and sometimes it takes a little bit to figure out.

Commitment to Myself

To keep it simple you’ve got to be committed to yourself. If you’re going to have an extraordinary life then you need to stay committed to what you’re going to do. People will say hey you’re not doing it right

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You Can Not Force It

The truth about life is 98% of it you cannot control you’re just subject to what’s going on in the experience of the world. Yet when it comes to relationships sometimes there’s a push and pull, or a give and

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