Unworthy? Worthy? I keep telling people to get out of their own mind and here’s one for you because I know this is some deep thought. Really out there on the edge of how much do you really think about this kind of stuff.
There are days I think about it a lot.
Apparently, God, the universe, or whatever controls creation decided I was worthy enough to exist. Here I am, on this planet writing a blog, just to make it perfectly clear that it doesn’t matter what time it is day or night is that my schedule is of my own doing.
There are times I forget to include people in that schedule. Special friends, friends, family, & acquaintances all end up taking a backseat to my own little world of chaos.
Have you ever heard the term or the saying ride or die?
If you ever have, great, but if you haven’t it basically means you get on board or you leave.
Many of my friends subscribe to this philosophy because I’m probably one of the most non-judgmental people in the world.
In that regard it means if you don’t have time for me I’m going to be okay with that & will be perfectly fine if left unchecked.
For example if you talk to me every day for a year at 3:00 p.m. I would come to possibly expect it but if you stopped, then yes I would miss it, but I know you had a reason or something came up to where you had to stop.
Stuff like this happens all the time to people and including me. Maybe I’m just not good at daily small talk and when I do attempt it it goes okay for a few weeks and then I get lost in the shuffle of life to myself and whatever I’m doing. If you’re a friend of mine then maybe cut me some slack cuz guess what I’ll probably end up hanging myself anyways and I don’t mean that physically I mean that metaphorically. Thanks for reading!
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