Products | Tube1KChallenge Day 3

It doesn’t matter if it’s a Snickers candy bar or your favorite fast food burger. There’s always a product out there somebody wants or somebody needs.

Luckily there’s someone out there to review it and say if it’s good or bad kind of like a movie critic. Jonestly I don’t know if I’m good enough to do something like this but I’m a try it.

I know the term has become an influencer but I don’t believe that’s exactly true to what The nature of being a digital creator is especially if you’re reviewing products and just putting the information out there.

My main goal in the overall process is to just learn something new from doing it and possibly make a couple bucks in doing so.

Sounds reasonable enough, right? Put food on the table and not be too greedy isn’t that what life’s supposed to be about. Maybe I’m just still naive about the whole process. Anyways, thanks for being here and reading check out the video below

Author: Jonathan Miller

Digital Media | @jonfun circa 2000. Pro Wrestling. Positivity. Mindset. Motivational. Also, friendly neighborhood custodian.