Better with Friends

Overall life is better with friends. They are the people who get you through hard times and their way cheaper than a therapist. Most days I believe I’m a pretty good friend and better at being a friend than anything

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God is Looking for You

Whether you believe in God or not there are things that happen in life that have you confused but they end up working out. Sometimes it’s just the fundamental belief that things will go your way is better than nothing.

Not the same Fair

It seems nowadays that the world isn’t working on the same definition of fair. Basic human decency seems to be out the window almost everywhere sometimes. Now don’t get me wrong I want the government to get their fair share

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Well that was Unexpected

The world’s trying to throw everything at all of us right now and destroy us. Whether it’s covid or snow storm we’re really getting hammered right now & I’m not talking alcohol type of hammered. Well, where I am that’s

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The What if?

Life is sometimes complicated and challenging because we wonder what if we did something when we didn’t do something. Did we make the right choice in the in the overall outcome? Is this really how it’s supposed to work out?

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You Have to Work for it

It doesn’t matter how simple or hard the task is because you still have to work for it. Life is about the experience and how each of us go through that experience. it’s different for all of us but in

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Promises to Yourself

Another year has gone by and just before the end of 2021 I found myself listening to Jay Shetty. If you don’t know who Jay said he is he’s a former Buddhist monk. Also he may be a little bit

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January 1, 2022

Once again it’s January 1st and not to be too cliche it’s another new beginning. As human beings the construct of time is always to go forward yet we also have to remember our past. Some people have pasts that

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From Nitro to the World

It’s a small world. That’s not saying much when you come from a small town in a place where you can say they’re around 5,000 people it’s not New York City, Chicago, Miami, Los Angeles. The streets roll up around

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Monday Blog 08/23/2021

Life is short. People all over the world have this thought & realization quite frequently. When life is attempting to destroy your mindset you have to have the courage to stand up to life. We all know we’re not getting

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