The Big Kid

The word adult never really has fit me. In fact it it does not. The modern day term of adulthood doesn’t even really suit me either.

Maybe it’s because I never really lost my innocence even though I know how to talk about everything under the sun and possibly not under the sun.

I always describe myself as an open book because “no stone should be left unturned”.

It’s the explorer and the inquisitive nature I have to find out why just why things are the way they are and possibly improve on them.

This is always work out for me, no. Am I going to make it work, yes!

The world is ever changing and that’s why I try to remain flexible about everything. My personal, career, & just the multitude of chances and opportunities that could arise.

Basically what I’m saying is I’m not living for yesterday. It isn’t 1979 anymore, and the daylight is burning away.

Someone is always watching your effort & hopefully mine will pay off in the long run. Thanks reading and come back for more!


Author: Jonathan Miller

Digital Media | @jonfun circa 2000. Pro Wrestling. Positivity. Mindset. Motivational. Also, friendly neighborhood custodian.