Fresh Start

Sometimes, you just have to start over.

For the longest time, roughly twelve years, there was a digital space that was carved out for the blog & website JonathanMiller dot-me.

Did I do much with it? Not really. It just kind of existed. Yes, I posted to it so infrequently that it might as well of been a running joke which is a joke in itself.

My intentions for this digital space are to improve my writing & editing skill while continuing to grow other digital profiles such as Jonfun.TV on YouTube or my podcast Xennial to Life… which has become secondary to video at the moment.

So starting over this is my actual attempt to improve upon my God given abilities to use media the only way I know how. As, one, a positive resource or tool to change the world and stop inaccurate spread of information. Which is increasingly harder when people stop listening to facts and just taking on opinions as a gospel truth.

Honestly, be smarter people. Finally, I have started a coaching position with Team Beach Body. If you want a session then feel free to contact me at Coach Jonathan.

So, thank you for reading and here is to new adventures! Cheers, friends. Jonathan.


Author: Jonathan Miller

Digital Media | @jonfun circa 2000. Pro Wrestling. Positivity. Mindset. Motivational. Also, friendly neighborhood custodian.