Going After What I Want

The old saying is there’s no time like now or the present. That’s the truth of the matter. You don’t have time to waste in this world and when you do, you definitely don’t get it back. My age is

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Missing Left Sock Dimension

First of all this isn’t even about socks but it is a story about something that happened to me every weekend which got me thinking about stuff that gets lost and found. So hopefully you’ll enjoy it. I should probably

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Just Anna Day

When I go out I don’t always expect to run into someone but when I do it’s always a fun time especially if it’s someone you’ve known for a while maybe like 10 or 15 years somewhere in there. And

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Adventure in Life

Life is not easy, it is definitely no sunshine and rainbows all the time. I’m not here to sugar coat it or give you any fluff because it’s b*******! What I can tell you is life can be very adventurous.

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Living with Sleep Apnea

Nowadays, all the experts say write about what you know or produce content on what you know. Well, today I am. Maybe someone out in the world to find this blog that I’ve written and go get a sleep study.

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Over Deliver on your Work

I’m never been the one to actually like work but does anyone? To me I’ve always felt like I could offer more and I’m just a little out of place. So in order to find and create opportunities for myself,

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Peace With Yourself

It is all finally clear. The biggest thing affecting our relationships is our own internal struggles. This is something I’ve been thinking about since 2012 and then the gentleman by the name of Gary John Bishop writes a book about

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Just A Picture

Not feeling like writing much at the moment. Maybe a little later tonight. So here’s a picture for today’s post once again in the mobile car studio with a giant grin on my face enjoy and thanks for reading.

Post Switch-a-Roo

Due to a technical glitch this is not the post I wanted to make but because I’m doing daily updating, writing, and video I wanted to still make my post. While I’m thinking about being a digital creator on the

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Just Put Yourself Out There

The biggest mistake people make in life is not putting themselves out there and the reason you should is most the time is you prove other people wrong including yourself that you can make it. Not everyone out in the

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