Going After What I Want

The old saying is there’s no time like now or the present. That’s the truth of the matter. You don’t have time to waste in this world and when you do, you definitely don’t get it back.

My age is 43. Also, 20 years ago I wouldn’t have been able to publish this from a smartphone. Another weakness of mine which I can definitely admit is I also don’t type very well. So how am I doing these blogs, you may ask? Through dictation.

Through advancement and technology I am able to ride the wave of being a digital creator and even possibly get into NFTs. Still not totally sold on the idea but it seems like they’re gaining ground everyday. So sooner or later I need to get published artist too, who knows?

Still my point is you have a lot more power nowadays to go after what you want, when you want it, doesn’t matter where you live or how you do it, just go do it! Thanks for reading come back for more!


Author: Jonathan Miller

Digital Media | @jonfun circa 2000. Pro Wrestling. Positivity. Mindset. Motivational. Also, friendly neighborhood custodian.