Piggy Backing backup

Well, my media production is currently in limbo because my main device which has the Verizon network as it’s mobile carrier is currently experiencing a connectivity issue. Actually my whole account is and that’s not a good thing.

When you’re an on the go media creator you need a mobile connection. Whether it’s writing, podcasting, or even piecing together a video to be published. a mobile connection is vital to a mobile digital creator.

So currently this will sound a little odd but I grew up in a time where the old saying is back up, back up, and back up. It comes from time where you would forget to save something and lose all the work. Now due to this connectivity issue I am piggybacking off of AT&T and a connection that I prepaid for work which is way less expensive than the contracted rate plans for devices.

I know what you’re asking isn’t that expensive to keep around, not necessarily. Though right now it is a pain in the butt to have to piggyback one device to the other. Right now is actually okay that it’s happening because I just got back from vacation. So I wasn’t exactly ready to jump back into full production but I’m making this post to let everyone know I haven’t went anywhere and I plan on getting back into daily media as soon as my regularly scheduled connection issue goes away.

In other news, my friend Austin is in the grieving process due to his great-grandfather passing away at the ripe old age of 100. I was blessed to get to meet the man and spend his 100th birthday with him on December 5th of last year. One hundred years is a long life and I’m glad he got to enjoy it.

Anyways, hope you all are well and keep coming back for more!


Author: Jonathan Miller

Digital Media | @jonfun circa 2000. Pro Wrestling. Positivity. Mindset. Motivational. Also, friendly neighborhood custodian.