When I go out I don’t always expect to run into someone but when I do it’s always a fun time especially if it’s someone you’ve known for a while maybe like 10 or 15 years somewhere in there.
And then there’s that awkward moment where you end up sinking up with someone and saying the exact same phrase in stereo. Hello, Anna!
“Men can make a sandwich.” The stereotypical misogynistic b******* that society is pushed everyone to believe over the course of a lifetime is a lie and a terrible one of that. Gender responsibilities and duties I think we’re all above it, men can do what women do and women can do what men can do except for pregnancy.
Now for the out-of-context quote of the blog “Anna is s******* on everyone.”
I’m not sure exactly what rabbit holes have been traveled down but you know with Anna I think it’s quite a few and not to bash you, considering most of this blog is about Anna, I’m pretty sure you’ve already taken the red pill it’s just you have an escape the matrix yet.
Maybe you should drop me a link on those YouTube lectures that you watched because I think I’m going to go buy some more alcohol get drunk and watch those because I’m in the place where I am questioning my existence but I also call the midlife crisis. Whatever the Andy guy name is, I didn’t catch it.
Anyways this is probably the most disjointed blog I’ve written so far but at least it’s writing and anyone who’s clicked it and read it is like WTF is this. Thanks for reading! Have a blessed day!
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